Military Spouses Make the Perfect Remote Hire – Help Military Families Find Stability in a Time of Need

Military servicemen hugging their spouses
Military servicemen hugging their spouses

So imagine you’re a member of the military community. Imagine you went to college and you’re degreed or maybe you’re not degreed. Imagine your life and the life of your family is uprooted on a regular basis and whatever career progression you’ve had is immediately upended. Imagine the place you’re relocated to does not have available jobs in your chosen career. Imagine having to start over and having to do that while losing your community, helping your kids adjust. In a life where your spouse may end up being deployed and you might not know where your spouse is. Imagine that the place you live now has housing so expensive that you have to commute while your kids go to school closer where you have to commute from. When housing allowances are raised, so are the rents. And then imagine losing that job that you had to settle for. Too many people take for granted the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make, but too often they don’t understand the sacrifices of their families who support them.

See this article below:

Military spouses are being fired from federal jobs, raising concerns about force retention and readiness | Stars and Stripes

People caught up in these events are not often in a position where they can speak up or speak out. It is critical we start to learn more about what people and their families go through when they dedicate themselves to a life of service to this country; it is critical that we look beyond the politics and begin to humanize one another again.

One powerful, impactful way Corporate American can step up for these families is if you have remote positions, also advertise them near US military bases. This will help reduce the odds that a military spouse has to change positions during a move.

You can find a list of US military installations here – there is also a filter for non-continental US installations:

Military spouses tend to be strongly educated – roughly 84% have started college, 31% have a Bachelor’s and 18% have a Master’s.

See here:

They are resilient. They can pack up a household in a matter of days and are experts at planning and networking. If they deploy to an area in a different time zone, the time zone itself can be an asset to them or if you have a night shift or want to field a night shift, military spouses can be the perfect people for the job.

Corporate America has an opportunity to provide a level of stability to military families in a way no one else can and help keep members of the military stay in the missions they’ve dedicated their lives to. If you are a corporation looking for an untapped pool of incredibly resilient, college educated resources, look no further than military spouses. The are intelligent, qualified, dedicated resources who are persistent and know how to get the job done.